The Lure of the Train Whistle: Researching Railroad Workers

The Lure of the Train Whistle: Researching Railroad Workers

Railroads were the backbone of the U.S. for many years and employed inumerable people. As the years moved into the later 19th century and beyond, railroads kept many records. This course introduces you to such records, places they exist, the railroad history and name changes vital to finding records, maps, and great finding aids to locate records. Lessons detail how to determine which railroad employed family members, where it tracked, and records to be found. The records and finding aids shown demonstrate a personnel file, medical report, payroll, union membership, accident reports, demerits, employee newsletters, biographies, photos of people and stations, correspondence, and even birth, marriage, and death announcements. As with other family history records, not everything exists today, but after this course you will be ready to find many that do.

The Lure of the Train Whistle: Researching Railroad Workers